DigitalOcean is a US-based cloud computing company headquartered in NY. As of 2015, it was the second largest hosting company in the world in terms of web-facing computers.
It appears that one or more of its databases have been hacked and confidential information leaked. We have informed the company of the suspected breach.
The leak has been posted at the following URL and seems to reveal logins but, as per best practice, hashed passwords:
The breach seems to have exposed login details for Bollywood mega stars Shah Rukh Khan and Hrithik Roshan.
Neither US presidents nor Bollywood stars seem immune to high-profile breaches. As per our standard practice, LMNTRIX has advised DigitalOcean of the potential breach, but as of publication, we have not received any response.
Below are select sections of the potential breach.
DigitalOcean is a US-based cloud computing company headquartered in NY. As of 2015, it was the second largest hosting company in the world in terms of web-facing computers.
It appears that one or more of its databases have been hacked and confidential information leaked. We have informed the company of the suspected breach.
The leak has been posted at the following URL and seems to reveal logins but, as per best practice, hashed passwords:
The breach seems to have exposed login details for Bollywood mega stars Shah Rukh Khan and Hrithik Roshan.
Neither US presidents nor Bollywood stars seem immune to high-profile breaches. As per our standard practice, LMNTRIX has advised DigitalOcean of the potential breach, but as of publication, we have not received any response.
Below are select sections of the potential breach.
{ “_id” : “2bGLq3WxgPomM8NdS”, “createdAt” : ISODate(“2017-01-20T08:40:39.169Z”), “services” : { “password” : { “bcrypt” : “$2a$10$mMDsBkYd83Odq4aX45Iz9.0rAUQTA6NC5mAKUf2bMaMCdAhrBSIk2” }, “resume” : { “loginTokens” : [ ] } }, “username” : “2”, “emails” : [ { “address” : “2@mailinator.com”, “verified” : false } ], “profile” : { “un” : “2”, “username” : “2”, “user_id” : “2bGLq3WxgPomM8NdS”, “user_type” : “password”, “name” : “Shah Rukh Khan”, “first_name” : “Shah”, “last_name” : “Rukh”, “email” : “2@mailinator.com”, “link” : “https://app.linkwok.com/user/2”, “gender” : null, “service_id” : null, “created_at” : ISODate(“2017-01-20T08:40:39.171Z”), “display_pic” : “/images/default_user.png”, “location” : { “country” : null }, “country” : null, “first_time” : true, “subscribed” : true }, “email” : “2@mailinator.com” }
{ “_id” : “EQqGT2fpxoF8hrMD8”, “user_id” : “HpkzKCZrTBFfSsqKE”, “tenant_id” : “fovGxLmrYKezDbj62”, “role” : “superadmin”, “role_id” : “fedf611c654a8284022c4d81”, “custom_data” : { “stats” : { “ar_for_me” : 3, “ar_by_me” : NaN } } }
{ “_id” : “yG2dcD5kE4SJGo8qq”, “user_id” : “QaKc4yjgN9NCGBR82”, “tenant_id” : “fovGxLmrYKezDbj62”, “role” : “member”, “role_id” : “214e3453380aa7e17e8e833c” }
{ “_id” : “AkRDWbjRbar4unYH5”, “user_id” : “6WzLjSkzeuDhNLtj6”, “tenant_id” : “3cxaoftkxBFkxikuk”, “role” : “superadmin”, “role_id” : “803a94ee0cda1b99ef4f63a5” }
{ “_id” : “SQt3d6PMrMMruWzC4”, “user_id” : “knfgJ3muacSTqmRck”, “tenant_id” : “3cxaoftkxBFkxikuk”, “role” : “member”, “role_id” : “438edd37a7aa96eba9a5fc0d” }
{ “_id” : “zz2ay2NYQBMuw63kA”, “service” : “facebook”, “appId” : “738734916167564”, “secret” : “f3fe0ecfb6393fb31c7bf538dca3f93a” }
{ “_id” : “CyrFPfyn2NCdwz2zF”, “service” : “google”, “clientId” : “979859604471-46jop4obkkebhhhrfr96fdtgrra485bj.apps.googleusercontent.com”, “secret” : “HMpUYJHQw-LD-41P1zs5kklF” }
{ “_id” : “q5KLbXYM9JPCZ5nuH”, “service” : “twitter”, “consumerKey” : “ZuUtTXOE2whoO194uZrrK0jLa”, “secret” : “Ek9doCVC0lv38WMn6jYBdVtBs5OvSAeOgkv1JL5L6jhcxvfblH” }
{ “_id” : “fovGxLmrYKezDbj62”, “name” : “Kaabil”, “created_at” : ISODate(“2017-01-20T05:50:52.419Z”), “location” : { “country” : null }, “admin_email” : “1@mailinator.com”, “updated_at” : ISODate(“2017-01-20T05:50:52.419Z”) }
{ “_id” : “3cxaoftkxBFkxikuk”, “name” : “teamgc”, “created_at” : ISODate(“2017-01-20T06:03:54.073Z”), “location” : { “country” : null }, “admin_email” : “gcteam@mailinator.com”, “updated_at” : ISODate(“2017-01-20T06:03:54.073Z”) }
{ “_id” : “DY3J45EzQwStTJMEC”, “name” : “Dear Zindagi”, “created_at” : ISODate(“2017-01-20T08:40:39.049Z”), “location” : { “country” : null }, “admin_email” : “2@mailinator.com”, “updated_at” : ISODate(“2017-01-20T08:40:39.049Z”) }
{ “_id” : “cu9J4otaM8dvmkuCd”, “name” : “DPL”, “created_at” : ISODate(“2017-01-23T09:12:29.076Z”), “location” : { “country” : null }, “admin_email” : “9@mailinator.com”, “updated_at” : ISODate(“2017-01-23T09:12:29.076Z”) }
users information
{ “_id” : “HpkzKCZrTBFfSsqKE”, “un” : “1”, “username” : “1”, “user_type” : “password”, “name” : “Hrithik Roshan”, “prefix” : “”, “first_name” : “Hrithik”, “middle_name” : “”, “last_name” : “Roshan”, “email” : “1@mailinator.com”, “link” : “https://app.linkwok.com/user/1”, “gender” : null, “service_id” : null, “created_at” : ISODate(“2017-01-20T05:50:52.561Z”), “display_pic” : “/images/default_user.png”, “projects_count” : 0, “location” : { “country” : null }, “country” : null, “bio” : “”, “twitter_handle” : “”, “website” : “”, “facebook” : “”, “evernote_token” : null, “drive_token” : null, “dropbox_token” : null, “facebook_token” : null, “evernote_intermediate” : { }, “evernote_shard_id” : null, “subscribed” : true, “mailchimp_id” : null }
{ “_id” : “2bGLq3WxgPomM8NdS”, “un” : “2”, “username” : “2”, “user_type” : “password”, “name” : “Shah Rukh Khan”, “prefix” : “”, “first_name” : “Shah”, “middle_name” : “”, “last_name” : “Rukh”, “email” : “2@mailinator.com”, “link” : “https://app.linkwok.com/user/2”, “gender” : null, “service_id” : null, “created_at” : ISODate(“2017-01-20T08:40:39.171Z”), “display_pic” : “/images/default_user.png”, “projects_count” : 0, “location” : { “country” : null }, “country” : null, “bio” : “”, “twitter_handle” : “”, “website” : “”, “facebook” : “”, “evernote_token” : null, “drive_token” : null, “dropbox_token” : null, “facebook_token” : null, “evernote_intermediate” : { }, “evernote_shard_id” : null, “subscribed” : true, “mailchimp_id” : null }