In cybersecurity it’s easy to fall into the trap of just examining each threat as it’s discovered, with analysts poring over code and functionality while barely a passing glance is spared toward the bigger picture.
There are a multitude of cogs spinning outside the intimate world of the analyst and the code, cogs that can have an enormous impact on the way our industry functions and the way organizations of all sizes are impacted.
With that mind, we’ve developed a short quiz to help test everyone’s general industry knowledge.
We’ll be doing this around the globe, but this first quiz will focus on Australia’s cyber industry, with all answers taken from the Australian Government’s first annual update to its cyber security strategy.
Comment below and let us know how you fared. Let the quiz begin!
- In which city was the Government’s first Joint Cyber Security Centre opened?
- Melbourne
- Brisbane
- Sydney
- Canberra
- How much funding has the Government committed to addressing Australia’s cyber skills shortage?
- $2.85 million
- $1.25 million
- $3.45 million
- More than four million dollars
- Less than one million dollars
- In 2016, what percentage of Australian businesses detected a business-interrupting security breach on at least a monthly basis?
- 0 – 20 per cent
- 21 – 40 per cent
- 41 – 60 per cent
- 60 – 80 per cent
- In June 2016, what percentage of adult Australians used the internet for online banking, shopping or paying bills?
- 85 – 90 per cent
- 91 – 95 per cent
- 96 – 99 per cent
- 80 – 84 per cent
- Further investment in Australia’s cyber security industry is predicted to cause a range of positive effects on the economy by 2030. Which of the below is not one of those?
- A wage increase of 2.0 per cent
- The creation of 60,000 jobs
- A broader 5.5 per cent lift in business investment
- The ability to surreptitiously influence foreign elections
- The answer is B – Brisbane. This the first stage of a $47 million program piloting collaborative work spaces in which government, law enforcement and the private sector can work together and share threat information.
- The answer is C – $3.45 million. This funding will go towards establishing Academic Centres of Cyber Security Excellence. The aim of these centres is to help produce local analysts who can hit the ground running immediately upon graduating.
- The answer is C – 59 per cent (more than twice the rate of 2015). This figure is included in the government update, though it originally came from Telstra’s 2017 Cyber Security Report.
- The answer is B – 94 per cent. With so many people online, all it takes is one breach to unleash a flash flood (remember wannacrypt?).
- The answer is D – I hope we all knew the answer to this one. Further investment in cyber security doesn’t just increase the quality of our defences, but also provides a number of economic benefits. These figures are quoted in the report, though originally came from Deloitte.