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LMNTRIX was founded by Carlo Minassian, a cybersecurity entrepreneur with over twenty years in the industry. Carlo pioneered MSSP in Australia after seeing a need in the market that few did. He left a secure future with IBM to start a business in his bedroom. He and his team were so far ahead of the curve they struggled at first. Thirteen years later this company, earthwave, had become a Gartner magic quadrant leader and was sold to Dimension Data.

Carlo embarked on the journey to globalize the service he had created. What he discovered over the next three years amazed him. In fact, it really got him worried. On the front lines, engaging with hundreds of organizations worldwide, something was terribly wrong. Instead of getting more secure, companies and organizations were more vulnerable than ever.

What Carlo learned next is the reason LMNTRIX exists.


It's Not About The Money

Yahoo, Target, Sony, RSA, Ebay, Anthem, the US Military, Heartland, Dropbox, JP Morgan Chase, Home Depot, Linkedin, Adobe, the NSA, and a thousand others that shall remain un-named, were investing millions of dollars per annum on their cyber security programs. Many had security forces of hundreds of experts together with shiny SOC’s and the latest next generation sandboxes, firewalls, SIEM’s, EDR, you name it, but when it mattered . . .

They. Just. Didn’t. Know.

Too Many Alarms, Too Little Time

How could this be? As Carlo travelled the world, he discovered that corporate cybersecurity teams were being defeated by a single enemy. It wasn’t the hackers — it was the noise.

All the companies reported one thing: alert fatigue. The shiny boxes and impressive solutions were great at producing alerts, but not so good at telling the signal from the static. Organization’s told Carlo they were receiving 300 or more alerts per month from their MSSP, but had no way to tell if the alerts were actual incidents. Their teams lacked the time or skills to respond. The result: alerts were ignored.



Only one percent of all attacks are detected through logs. This is an astounding number and SIEM has proven to be a particular failure. Interviews with IT teams delivered this frustrated indictment of SIEM: “Stupidly Irrelevant Electronic Messaging” (actually they called it something a whole lot worse, but we’re too polite to say that here). They said SIEMs produced too many alarms. MSSPs aren’t doing much better for those who depend on them

The boy had cried wolf too many times. Now the wolf was freely roaming these networks devouring whatever it wanted.

Tailor-Made Technology for MSSPs by LMNTRIX


The Notion Of Threat Detection: A Fantasy

Relying solely on logs renders enterprises with, at best, a rudimentary threat detection capability. Existing security controls are designed to block threats that they detect, leaving little room for a SOC to identify anything beyond. Even though it should be clear by now that hackers are in the inside, organizations cling to the illusion that cyber security means keeping bad things out. This is about cyber-purity not true cybersecurity. It is a dangerous fantasy that does not reflect the inevitability of cyber intrusion. By holding onto it organizations are unable to respond properly to threats. This mentality is why Gartner is correct in saying the current blocking and prevention techniques are failing, and cybersecurity spending is incorrectly skewed.

Investigation & Response: A Daunting Challenge

Hackers continue to operate with impunity because companies lack the means to verify whether security alerts indicate genuine incidents. The process of investigation is often prohibitively time-consuming and expensive, compounded by a shortage of skilled security personnel capable of tackling sophisticated threats. Picture a scenario where the police inform you of a potential break-in at your home, but it falls upon you to conduct further investigation. This parallels the predicament faced by many companies-an untenable situation that demands rectification.

Fortress Mentality

Too Many Tools, Too Much Complexity Enterprises struggle to manage the growing complexity of cybersecurity, juggling multiple solutions that increase operational challenges and costs. The integration of diverse security systems, compounded by a storage of skilled personnel, leads to inefficiencies and a reactive security posture

So what did these three facts really mean? They meant almost everyone had things inside out.

With the median number of days before a breach was detected at 229 and 67% of companies only learning of a breach when an external entity told them, it was obvious that organizations had to make a mental shift.

They needed to stop fixating on the perimeter and start looking at their network more like an obstacle course where hackers could be deceived, worn down, paralyzed and ultimately thwarted. You protect what matters; they go away empty handed. This was about changing the economics of hacking. Make the cost of the hack impossible for the hackers to justify and you win


Active Defense is Born

When you make this fundamental shift in thinking, you start to think differently about how to detect and respond to threats. So at LMNTRIX we shift your security mindset from “incident response” to “continuous response,” wherein systems are assumed to be compromised and require continuous monitoring and remediation.

By thinking like the attacker and hunting on your network and your systems, we allow you to move from being the prey to being the hunter. We then turn the tables on the attackers and change the economics of cyber defense by shifting the cost to the attacker by weaving a deceptive layer over your entire network – every endpoint, server and network component is coated with deceptions.

From the instant an attacker penetrates your network, all they can see is an elusive mirage where every single data packet is unreliable. This deceptive environment immobilizes attackers as they are unable to make decisions if the data they’ve gathered is unreliable.

The LMNTRIX Active Defense is a validated and integrated threat detection and response architecture for addressing advanced and unknown threats that bypass an organizations perimeter controls.

We use a combination of advanced network and endpoint threat detection, deceptions everywhere, analytics and global threat intelligence technology. These are complemented with continuous monitoring together with threat hunting both internally as well as on the deep and dark web. It is a fully managed, security analyst delivered service that defends against zero-day attacks, and advanced persistent threats from our cyber defense center, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Great Security doesn't have to be Expensive

Sometimes cheaper really is better. Carlo realized the secret that the cybersecurity industry didn’t want anyone to hear is this: cybersecurity doesn’t need to be expensive to be effective. Vendors charge a lot because they can (how better to offset the huge marketing costs that promise the next cybersecurity silver bullet?). Carlo didn’t want LMNTRIX to join that crowd, he wanted to sell cyber outcomes not cyber sizzle. That’s why LMNTRIX runs smart. We hunt where it’s quiet, we protect what matters, we use our wits not your pocketbook to deliver genuine protection. We believe you deserve better results, fewer excuses, and the right not to throw your money away because an industry said you must.

You're part of Our Mission

We do cybersecurity differently. We’re not vendors trying to upsell or consultants hocking advice, we are your cyber bodyguards, outfoxing your potential assailants and keeping what matters safe.

This is a mission that will not only help make you secure and save you money doing it, but will help make everyone safer because by working together we become stronger and more effective. We live in a digital world. What happens on our networks has consequences in our communities. Cyber is simply too important to do alone.

Join us on a journey beyond excuses and into true cybersecurity where the ones being worn down and defeated are the hackers, not us.

Yours In CyberCertainty,


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